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In the event of removal from office of any Executive Board Officer(s) the following shall apply:

i) in the case of the removal of the President from office or his/her resignation or his/her inability to discharge his/her duties under this constitution, the vice president shall assume the office of the President in an acting capacity.

ii) In the case of the vice president assuming the office of the President, core Executive shall nominate a member of Association to take up the office of the vice president subject to the approval of executive council.

iii) Where any other Executive Board member is removed from office or resigns or is unable to discharge the powers and functions of office as stated in this constitution, the Electoral

iv) Commissioner shall conduct new elections within one week to fill the said vacant office(s).

v) Where the Executive Board en bloc has been removed from office or has resigned or are unable to perform their functions as stated in this constitution, the chairman of Judicial board with the support of at least five (5) general Members of the association duly elected by executive council shall act pending the calling of elections within one week.

vi) Any member (s) of the Executive Board who decides to resign may do so by writing under his/her hands and addressed to the chairman of executive council and Copied to the Judicial Council and the Executive Board, a letter stating reasons for the resignation.

vii) He/she/they shall surrender to the chairman of the executive council all property of the association in his/her Custody.

viii) he/she/they shall submit to the Audit Board for immediate audit all statements of accounts and financial transactions undertaken by his/her/their office(s) within twenty-four (24) hours.

ix) Notwithstanding the provisions above, no Executive member(s) shall resign when proceedings for impeachment or Vote of No Confidence have been initiated.