An Executive Board Officer shall be removed from office if found to have:a. Acted in violation of this Constitution or the oath of office set out in the first and second schedules as the case may be.
b. Conducted him/her in a manner:
i. which brings or is likely to bring the high office of the Executive Office into disrepute, ridicule or contempt OR
ii. Prejudicial or inimical to the interest of the Association
iii. That causes financial loss to the Association
c. Been incapable of performing his/her functions of office by reason of infirmity of body or mind. OR
d. Embezzled funds or recklessly handled the finances of the association OR
e. been incapable or inefficient or negligent in the discharge of his/her duties.
f. used the association platform to declare party political interest or affiliation, any word or deed that politically inclined or motivated